Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Comparison of solar deities, specifically Ra, Surya, Apollo Essay

Comparison of solar deities, specifically Ra, Surya, Apollo - Essay Example stic religions and enjoyed much respect and honor and were depicted in the religious scriptures with their great deeds, relations with other deities and mortal people, myths and so on. However, they belong to different cultures: Apollo is a Greek god of Olympic period, Ra is a supreme solar deity of Old Kingdom period, and Surya is a Hindu deity referring to the sun (Gopal, 1990, p.76) and embodying the so-called â€Å"supreme light†. All three deities are male and very powerful, but Ra is granted more power as the creator. Ra is believed to have created himself and to be the supreme deity in ancient Egyptian religion, while Apollo was born from Zeus and Leto and Surya is the son of Dyaus Pita and Aditi (both are sons of the supreme gods of the pantheons, yet some sects consider Surya the Supreme Deity). Both Apollo and Surya have siblings: Apollo’s antipode and the lunar deity is his twin sister Artemis, and Surya is considered one of seven brothers Adityas, the cosmic deities. One more distinction of Ra is the form of his portrayal: Surya and Apollo are entirely anthropomorphic deities depicted both in sculpture and in iconography as humanlike beings; while Ra has many guises and can be depicted as a calf, child, lion or a man with the head of a falcon. The similarity to be highlighted between Apollo and Surya is their main attributes – both have chariots, yet Apollo’s one drawn by white swans and Surya’s chariot is horse-drawn (seven horses embodying sunrays or colors of rainbow). Ra, on the other hand, does not have such an attribute, having a sun disk, a scepter and uraeus, a serpent placed on his crown. Ra and Apollo’s worship cults are characterized by certain centers of worship and places of origin. For Ra, the place of origin and the principal center of worship is Heliopolis, while Delphi is the center of Apollo’s cult, where the temple with his oracles was located. The principal peculiarity of Surya in comparison to the other two deities

Monday, February 10, 2020

Working in Orgnistions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Working in Orgnistions - Essay Example Bsing on the interviews tht I conducted previously nd literture tht I hve reserched, I evlute orgniztion nd suggest its design. Mny retil shopping centers hve tried nd filed to perform excellently outside their home mrkets. Likewise, some retilers hve led stry trying to develop Internet shopping. s result, TESCO, the United Kingdom's biggest grocer, hs drwn significint ttention becuse of its mbitious overses strtegy nd its successful on-line home delivery service. nother successful key fctor tht inputs to TESCO sustinble development nd growth is the mrketing communiction pln tht provides the detiled overview of the Compny's fiscl policies s for meeting the clients' needs nd providing competitive prices within wisely locted grocers ll over the world. TESCO understnds tht successful mrketing strtegy should be bsed on customers' need, tht is why the Mission Sttement declred for the Compny sounds s it follows: "One of our vlues is to understnd customers better thn nyone. We go to gret lengths to sk customers wht they think, listen to their views, nd then ct on them. We look both t wht customers sy nd wht they do . This feedbck guides the decisions we tle" ( Tesco is the lrgest food retiler in UK, operting round 2,318 stores worldwide. Tesco opertes round 1,878 stores throughout the UK, nd lso opertes stores in the rest of Europe nd si. is wholly-owned subsidiry offering complete online service, including nd The compny lso offers rnge of both online nd offline personl finnce services. Tesco is hedqurtered in Hertfordshire, UK. For the yer ended October 2005 Tesco PLC chieved revenues tht totlled 33,557 million, n increse of 18.7% ginst the previous yer's revenues tht were 28,280 million. s well s convenience produce, mny stores hve gs sttions. Section 2: Methodology Informtion for this explortory study ws gthered by conducting semistructured interviews with route slespersons hving knowledge of wholesle theft methodology. These individuls were selected on the bsis of their willingness to shre pertinent informtion with the uthors with whom they or their contcts hd estblished trusting, personl contcts. It is virtully impossible to get rndomly-selected strngers to discuss such sensitive informtion. fter the purpose nd scope of this study were fully explined to ll respondents, ech ws ssured of nonymity, nd no ttempt ws mde to gther informtion from the respondents other thn theft methodology. Section 3: Data Data for this study are mainly based on the face-to-face interview coducted recently with Tesco employees. The interviews were open-ended to ensure proper understnding of the often complicted theft methods. There were eight interviewees. Ech hd t lest two yers experience s route slesperson, nd ech greed to prticipte nonymously without compenstion. Each interviewees was given to complete the questionnaire (Appendix B), that covered various questions on organizational structure and design. Questions